Today when kh time,teacher gives us some thing to do as revision.Like asutual,we sure will talk.Well....ok, tats nothin bt......i tell a jokes tat make michelle n kylie laugh like hell....
Michelle likes animation very much.She wants to buy a animation cartoon which is... emm....a.....watever lah!I forgot already bt i think it is quite nice.She ask kylie to buy for her,but then this kylie pig forgot alry.She goes to time square just remember to buy her jacket n her jeans.
So.....michelle ask where can buy the cd.Kylie pig didn't answer michelle,so i answer lah....
actually i wanna to say sungai weng n low yat.Bt den,can u just believe wat i say......??!!!!i say low yat n Chow-kit Road!!! Can u just believe wat i say?!!!!I myself also can't believe!!!BT...i can sure one thing,i'm not say this in purpose wan....
After listening,michelle n kylie pig laugh like HELL....seriusly....i,myself also laugh like hell......
Haha^^....silly right??Myself also tak boleh tahan!Even until now i also keep on laughing.I'm very very the stupid.....HAI~_~.......PITTY ME....
Haha....CHOW-KIT ROAD......Haha.....